Monday, December 15, 2008

In the war on Christmas, I'm glad he's on our side

Like most of you, I get tired of what has been called "the war on Christmas." In fact, these days it does not bother me as much as it used to because the whole thing is silly. As a matter of fact, I feel bad for those who are against any Christmas expression, I would hate to have to live my life that way. I am a Christian, and celebrate December 25th by remembering the birth of our Lord, Jesus Christ. However, even if I were not a Christian, I think I would still look at this so-called 'war' and have to say 'people, lighten up!' I know non-Christians who may not believe the Truth (yet!), but who don't have a problem with Christmas, and don't have a problem with people celebrating it as a religious holiday, because obviously, it IS.

Anyways, all that said, I wanted to pass along an article written about this by Chuck Norris. He puts the issue very well in both religious AND historical context. (the link to the original article is at the bottom of the post) Feel free to post your thoughts on this!

Atheists' national holiday?
Exclusive: Chuck Norris assails skeptics who spread hatred under guise of free speech

Posted: December 15, 20081:00 am Eastern

By Chuck Norris

Atheists from England to the state of Washington are stepping up their efforts this year to make a bigger antagonistic splash on the Christmas scene.
A London campaign put signs on city buses saying, "There's probably no God. Now stop worrying and enjoy your life."
Secularists in Washington, D.C.. followed suit with a similar campaign on buses, "Why believe in a god? Just be good for goodness sake."
Atheists in Colorado are posting signage on billboards that echo the '60s John Lennon music mantra, "Imagine no religion."
And, all over the news, an atheist group was given permission to display its sign alongside a nativity scene in the capitol of Washington (and now in Wisconsin and Illinois). The message reads, "At this season of the Winter Solstice, may reason prevail. There are no gods, no devils, no angels, no heaven or hell." It then obliterates political correctness by ending with the following hate language, "There is only our natural world. Religion is but myth and superstition that hardens hearts and enslaves minds."

Please don't misunderstand me. I am a patriot, and I believe that atheists are free to believe, speak and post whatever they want. This is America – and that's their First Amendment right. But, to do so with harassment and hatred under the guise of free speech is despicable. An anti-religious poster filled with spite is in no way equated with a religious symbol like a nativity. Where are the politically correct police when Christians are the victims?

If such words were written against any social minority group, protests would be ubiquitous. But anti-religious (and particularly anti-Christian) bigotry is in vogue these days. But I, for one, am neither amused by intolerant verbiage nor passive about my politics. There is absolutely no justification for these atheists' written revile. And if they want to keep using hate-filled language against theists and particularly Christians, then they shouldn't be surprised when they meet up with a yuletide (verbal) roundhouse kick.

Anyone can spew religious distain, but is that what America's founders created our rights for? Just because they post such verbal vomit, does that demonstrate intellectual superiority or the type of moral decency our founders hoped we would perpetuate?
What profit would there be if I posted a claim that atheists were un-American, because they try to suppress theists' freedom of religion by a false notion of the separation of church and state?
What profit would there be if I posted a heckling that atheists had no vital part in the founding of our country? As Benjamin Franklin noted in his 1787 pamphlet for those in Europe thinking of relocating to America: "To this may be truly added, that serious religion, under its various denominations, is not only tolerated, but respected and practiced. Atheism is unknown there …"

What profit would there be if I posted a sign that said atheists are like pacifists, in that they are able to be so because those who oppose them have sacrificed and laid a foundation of freedom for their liberties?

What profit would there be if I posted the accusation that atheists are foolish, because they exhaust too much time trying to convince everyone else of the absence of a being that doesn't exist?

What profit would there be if I posted a retort that atheists are igmos, because they try to replace Christmas with winter solstice celebrations, which are ancient pagan festivals entrenched in polytheistic religions?

What profit would there be if I posted that atheism hides behind a false pretense that it is scientific, when eminent scientists like Paul Davies, the renown British-born physicist, agnostic, professor of cosmology, quantum field theory and astrobiology, once said to Time (in the column "Science, God and Man") that no one can say with any certainty that there is no God? His actual words were, "Agnosticism – reserving judgment about divine purpose –remains as defensible as ever, but atheism – the confident denial of divine purpose – becomes trickier. If you admit that we can't peer behind a curtain, how can you be sure there's nothing there?"

What profit would there be if I posted that atheists were totally blind to the pristine beauty and ordered complexity of creation, so that they cannot see the hand of a Creator? As the Bible pointed out 2,000 years ago, "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities – his eternal power and divine nature – have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse."

What profit would there be if I posted the fact that atheists denigrate every religion and religious prayer that has ever been offered throughout all of time? For to say God in no way exists is to say every religious leader in any age was delusional at best. And not one prayer, not one cry to God in crisis, offered by theists or even desperate agnostics or atheists (in fox holes) on any continent in any era of human history has ever been answered. Not one! Atheists must conclude that billions and billions and billions of so-called alleged answered prayers throughout history were not real – but wishful thinking, coincidences or something else. For, if just one answer were a result of divine intervention, God would exist and atheism vanquished. Is that reasonable? Rational? That premise alone rules atheism preposterous and foolish.

Finally, what profit would there be if I were to post an agreement with my friend Mike Huckabee, who said on his book tour via Fox News, that atheists shouldn't be fighting for a holiday in December when they already have one – April Fool's Day? (A holiday also grounded in sacred scripture, "The fool says in his heart there is no God.")

We all know I would be labeled as an extremist, irrational and a bigot, if I were to post any of the preceding ideas. Yet atheists do, and get away with First Amendment murder. I would remind our nation that it was only a short time ago when leaders like Ronald Reagan freely spoke for the majority by explicitly and passionately conveying belief in Jesus Christ during his presidential Christmas addresses. Compare his Dec. 23, 1981, speech to our time, when the very term "Christmas" is being erased from every corner of culture.

As long as the capitol in Washington is allowing variance of religious opinion to line their corridors like Christmas potpourri, let me posit this last idea as a final pre-Christmas posting. At the base of the bust of George Washington (which stands between the atheist's winter solstice sign and the nativity in the capitol), I suggest a push for one more sign containing the wisdom from Washington's Farewell Address: "Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of patriotism, who should labor to subvert these great pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of men and citizens."

To see the original post, along with all the original included links, visit:

Friday, July 11, 2008

A trip back in time with...THE NEWSBOYS!

The newsboys have been making radio hits for many years. Sixteen, to be exact. Sixteen years ago their single 'not ashamed,' which is the title track from that CD, became an instant hit. You are probably most familiar with their more recent CDs, like Go, Adoration, Devotion, or Thrive. While it was 16 years ago that Newsboys made it big in American radio, they have actually been putting out albums since 1987. Twenty-one years! So what did Newsboys sound like some 20 years ago? This is one of those questions you might regret asking. If you REALLY must know, click here: That is a clip from the 1990 CD, Hell Is For Wimps, with a song called 'Stand Up.'

I know, kind of makes you feel like putting on acid-washed jeans that are too small, and get a perm right? But guess what, thats not even their first CD. Yup, they were veterans when that came out. In 1988, the world was treated to this first release:

This one is so old, I can't even find a sample for you. My guess is the Newsboys have finally surpressed it and made it impossible. However, if you hunt for it online, you can find it, and probably for under a dollar.

Now for a visual comparison. Here is Newsboys today:

And now for your viewing pleasure, pictures I had to hunt deep for, OLD Newsboys!

Yup, one of these guys is Peter Fuller, AKA the bald one. Can you figure out which one?

Hope you enjoyed this trip back in time!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Shameless Self Promotion

Hey everyone!

I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to use this opportunity for some shameless self promotion. I happen to think that my daughter is the cutest little girl in the world. So much so, that my wife has entered her into a 'cute kid' competition, that if she wins, she will get to be on the cover of a major parenting magazine. Cool, huh?

So, if you would be so kind, head over to this website:

There are several pictures of our Zoe. (you may recall her songs that we have played on my show!) You can click on each picture. Above the photo are 2 things. One says 'recommendations,' which you simply click to add your recommendation. The other is above the picture and has 5 stars, you can click those to put how many stars you think it earns. Remember, you can click on each picture, and recommend each one.

I think when you look, you will agree that she is in fact, the cutest little girl in the world. :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Level 6 to launch!

Thank you so much for everyones feedback on my last post! It seems we have overwhelming support to do a rock show on Life FM, so I have the approval to move forward with it. I am extremely excited about the show, and have some big plans for it. Before I officially launch it, though, I will need some help.

I believe that as Christians, when we put something out there in the world, it should be excellent. We are representing the King of Kings, and want to give our best, not a half-hearted effort thats thrown together. I intend on making this a cutting edge, fast paced show that will make people sit up and notice, especially young people that otherwise would not listen to positive music by Christian artists. In order to do this, I am inviting anyone that may be interested in supporting this endevor to send me an email.

We will not be doing a sharathon or friendraiser or anything, and this show is outside of our budget. I would like to possibly raise some funds to make sure I can keep this to an excellent standard. And no, the money is not going to me, it would all go to promoting the show. This would give KAXL reason to be a presence at local Christian rock shows. We would like to get youth pastors involved as well. If you feel this is a ministry you are interested in helping with, whether its financially, in prayer, or with some other resource that may be relevant, let me know. You can email me at

I am not looking to raise a massive budget, just enough to be able to effectively spread the word. I would like to see the show start this summer, and that is very possible. We are already lining up the music and some other things. I already have a mission statement, and the name of the show is Level 6 Radio. Thank you for all of your support! As I always say on the air, we truely do have the BEST listeners!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

For Those Who Love To Rock

Hey everyone!

As many of you know, Skillet is coming to town on the 30th of this month. That in mind, I have been thinking about something for a while, and I need your feedback.

We are considering the launch of a weekly rock show here at KAXL.

Here is the idea: I would launch a rock show that would probably only be about 2 hours long, once a week. So, for example, it may be every Saturday from 7-9. Now, we are not changing formats, don't worry. What we want to do is reach out to those, more specifically youth, who wouldn't otherwise listen to our station. There is a TON of solid, Christian artists in the rock industry that I would love to expose younger listeners to. Especially those youth who think that the only good rock music is not Christian. I'm out to prove that wrong!

What I want from you is some feedback. How would you feel about having a rock show here on Life FM? Do you support it? Remember, think in terms of outreach. Even if you are not a fan of rock (possibly some rap), how do you feel about us having a show like that as an additional outreach?

Nothing is for sure yet, we just want to get your feedback, and I will keep you updated. I am very familiar with the Christian rock scene, and only artists who I trust are truely serving the Lord would be played. Please leave me a comment with your thoughts!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Time to WIN!

I told you to keep an eye on this blog for a chance to win free stuff. That chance is NOW! Over the last couple weeks, I have been playing a LOT of interviews. From my 'week of interviews' from GMA to my Anne Rice interview today (Thursday 5-8) and tomorrow.

Here is how you can win right now. Let me know who else you would like to hear interviewed! Could be a band, author, celebrity, or whatever! Email me at MATT@KAXL.COM right now, and the first response I get with 'BLOG CONTEST' in the subject line will win.

I am giving away a copy of Half-Life/Die Already: How I Died and Lived to Tell About It by Mark Steele. He is a hilarious man, and this is a memoir about how he dealt with some difficult things in his life, but written in a way that makes you laugh. A lot. AND, I'm also going to tuck a couple coupons to Dewars in the pages as well.

It pays to read the blogs! Email me right now, and be sure to include your name and phone number so we can contact you.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

GMA update #2 PICTURES!!!

We've had a real busy last few days! We've gotten some great interviews, audio materials and some great resources to bring back to Bakersfield! Here is just a glimpse at some of the things we've had the opportunity to do while in Nashville. Stay tuned in the following weeks as we unveal the audio material we've collected. It was great to sit down with several artists over the last few days and to hear the unique things God has been teaching them and the unique vision and talents God has given each of them. Coming up this afternoon we'll be interview Fee, Sarah Groves and 33 Miles. Hope you all are having a fantastic week in Bakersfield!!

Sunday evening worship night led by Michael W. Smith, Israel (of Israel & New Breed), & Mandisa

Calling into the live KAXL morning show with Dan Schaffer

Interviewing Phil Joel

Fun with Phil Joel

Interviewing Robby Seay

After the Dizmas interview. COOL guys!

Matt interviewing Chris Rice

What a fun guy!!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Hello From Nashville!

We are on our second day here in Music City USA. We arrived in Nashville yesterday afternoon. Saturday was fairly low key aside from getting registered and checked into the hotel. It is nice to not have to dive in full force on the first day, because things soon get crazy. Becky is here with me and today was spent mingling with a lot of the artists.

I should point out that in the radio business, you don't get so easily 'star struck' around all these artists. For me, however, there are a small few. Any time I meet any of the guys from DC Talk, I get nervous. They are legends to me, and meeting Toby Mac (which I did today) made me like a giddy little kid. I'm sure it will be the same for tomorrow when we meet Kevin Max.

This evening we went to a few showcases. It started off with a GMA favorite, Sunday night worship. Michael W Smith traditionally leads it, and this year was joined by Mandisa and Israel (Israel and New Breed). It is always an amazing worship experience. After that, we went to a hip hop show which was on the roof of a tall building which was really fun. Finally, we attended a showcase by BMI artists such as Toby Mac, Brandon Heath, Chris Tomlin, Mercy Me, and more.

Tomorrow the REALLY crazy schedule starts. We have about 8 interviews over the next 2 days. On top of that, there are a number of sessions I will be attending, and I'll be calling in for some live reports (make sure to listen!!). And concerts. There are usually about 4 venues all hosting concerts each night all over downtown Nashville with the greats in Christian music. It can be hard to pick which ones to attend. Such a hard life...

Thats it for now, but check back and I'll try to get some more pictures and updates posted for you. We appreciate all your prayer support as we gather all kinds of great audio to bring back to you!

Friday, April 4, 2008

Are Christians too boring?

If you are reading this, you most likely have heard my show. If you somehow found this blog simply through the blogger website, well, you SHOULD hear my show.

I thought I'd share a few thoughts about what the purpose of the afternoon drive shift that I host is.

All radio shows have a feel to them. Whether its talk radio, music radio, or even news. They all have a specific way things are done and presented. When it comes to the feedback I get for my show, it can be all over the map. Everything from 'I wish you would talk more' to 'I wish there wasn't so much talking' to 'I enjoy how light hearted the show is' and 'you should be more serious on the air.' These are all valid, and are all basically preferences. Let me tell you what the 'feel' of my show is intended to be.

I like to have fun. I believe that far too often, Christians can get overly serious, and lack a sense of fun, much less, a sense of humor. I'm sure you know people like this. KAXL is a ministry, and a Christian station, yes, but I do not believe that Christian media needs to be limited ONLY to alter calls and deep, theological meditation. Christians come in all different kinds of people, with all kinds of different needs as well as gifts. While I do occasionally share something God has been teaching me, I tend to focus more on finding the humor in life. I have nothing against sharing the Gospel on the air, and have done it a number of times, but it is not ALL that I do. Sometimes Christians need a place they can turn for some lighthearted fun. That is my spot on the air, thats the need that I attempt to fill, and thats using the gifts I've been given. Just like Ken Davis says every single day at about 3:20, 'Lighten Up, and Live.' This would probably make for a good slogan for my show, if it were not already taken. :)

On a more practical note, the biggest listening time is during the drive home. The majority of people, after a long day, are looking for something fun and/or encouraging after working hard. There is absolutely a place for in depth Bible study. I love to study the Bible and try to make it a daily practice. My show is not to take the place of Bible study, certainly not! My purpose is to serve believers with clean, positive family fun to help lighten the burdens of the day.

There are some people, believe it or not, that believe using funny stories and jokes belong in the world, not in the body of Christ, and have told me as much. They believe I should only focus on ministry. I believe that ministry comes in all forms. Ministry is not simply alter calls. Remember, whatever we do, we are to do it to the glory of God. I think that too often, those who do not know Christ look at Christians and see nothing more than 'boring people stuck on a bunch of rules.' Unfortunatly, we look like that sometimes. We need the world to see our JOY! We can have fun and be followers of Christ at the same time!

And that's my passion. My show may not cater to everyone, but now you know its purpose. Just like not everyone may like the Sci-Fi channel, it caters to specific people. If you are someone who thinks it's ok for Christians to have fun, and enjoy laughing, thats what I'm here for every afternoon from 2 - 6 on 88.3.

I'd love to hear what you think. Do you also find that Christians can sometimes come across as dull to unbelievers? Do you think it ok for us to have entertainment that is not constant preaching? Give me your thoughts!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

The Flying Fortress

This last Monday (March 17th), Dan and I had the privilage of taking a flight on a WWII B-17 Bomber. Talk about perks of being in this business! Along with some other media folks, we had about a 15 or 20 minute flight around Bakersfield. As soon as the wheels lifted off the ground, we were free to walk about the plane, which took some more effort than you might think. It took a lot of ducking, balancing and holding onto the cold, metal sides of the plane to keep from falling over. It was amazing. My favorite part was climbing down a little hatch underneath the cockpit into the very front of the airplane. You could sit on a chair and watch the world fly by underneath you, an amazing vantage point. I really gained a new appreciation for those that served in WWII, as well as those who have been serving our country since. My words can't do it justice, so check out some of the pictures we took from that day.

Pretty awesome feeling holding a .50 calibur machine gun with a city below

A view from above

The catwalk above the bomb door, right behind the cockpit. Took some effort to navigate across this with the plane bobbing up and down.

The Flying Fortress prepares for take off

Dan and I giddy as little girls before the flight!

I'm really glad they waited untill we moved before starting the engine above our heads

The best seat in the, war-plane... This was the nose of the B-17, and my favorite part with an amazing view.

I wanted to sit there the entire flight, but I think other media folks were getting annoyed that I was taking too long, including the TV guy who I asked to take my picture here.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Fun things ahead!

Hellllooooooooo everyone!

First, I'd like to start by saying it was really cool to see some of our listeners who showed up at Yakzir-Makah these last couple weeks. If you think that I just phonetically typed out a sneeze, see my posts below to find out what Yakzir-Makah is (be sure to check out the pictures right below this). New comers are still welcome to join, by the way.

Well we have some really fun things ahead in the next several weeks. Today (March 11) Frank Viola will be on-air at 4:00pm. Frank is the author of Pagan Christianity (along with the more well known George Barna) and we will be talking about the controversial ideas addressed in the book. Make sure you don't miss it!

Next up, this coming Monday (17th) Dan and I are thrilled to be taking a flight in the historic Liberty Belle B-17 bomber. This WWII plane has been restored and will be in Bakersfield next week, with public flights available March 22nd. Be watching the website and my blog for pictures, and listen in to hear all the details about this unique opportunity next week.

Coming in April, I will be talking to Mark Steele, author of the upcoming book Half-Life Die Already. Mark's first book, Flashbang: How I got Over Myself, was hilarious, but also drove home some solid, Biblical truth through his outrageous stories. That will be April 8th at 4:00pm.

And of course, April is a big month for me as I'll be heading to GMA in Nashville. I am in the middle of lining up interviews there as well with your favorite artists!

Lots of exciting things ahead, so make sure to keep it tuned in!

Monday, March 3, 2008

The BIG studio fight!

As many of you may already know, on Friday I invited Mike Martinez of the Independant Yakzir Maka Federation ( a faith-based martial art) to talk with me in the studio. We had a great tiem, and the interview went well. What you DIDN'T hear though, came after we turned off the mics. Just to test my skill, I thought I'd surprise Mike and attack him. It started well, as you can see here-

However, let me assure you that it is NEVER wise to attack an experienced martial artist with multiple black belts. I soon learned this lesson the hard way. He came back at me before I even knew what was happening-

And finally, Mike ended the squbble as quickly as it had begun with a Judo-throw right onto the studio sound board-

At this point, I figured Mike had had enough, so I let him go.....
If you want some more information on Yakzir-Maka, please check out the website. Its right here in Bakersfield, its Christ-centered, and its completely free!

Friday, February 29, 2008

Christians and Martial Arts

Today, Friday, February 29, I will be interviewing Mike Martinez, the founder and cheif instructor of Yakzir-Maka, a reality-based self defense system.

This is an interview I am excited about. You do not often hear the terms 'martial arts' and 'Christian' in the same sentence; maybe not the same paragraph, or even same page. This is one of the rare instances where you do. Mike's unique martial art is based on faith. This is what the Yakzir-Maka website says: "The foundation of the Yakzir-Makah system is based on the teachings of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ." It may seem like an odd combination, but when you consider that your faith should not be limited just to church walls, it makes sense. In everything you do, do it for the glory of God.

I know there are some people that do not like the idea of martial arts. There are some pacificsts that would never consider it. My view is that if I am ever in a position of danger, especially if its a situation that would endanger my family, I want to be able to know the best way to get us out of danger and neutralize the threat. I certainly hope I never have to face that kind of situation, but just like you hope your house never burns down, you have insurance just in case something like that does happen.

So I want to know, what is your opinion? What do you think about Christians and martial arts? Did your opinion change after hearing Mike share? What do you think the Bible says about self-defense?

Leave me a comment with your thoughts.

If you are interested in getting more information about the faith-based Yakzir Maka, Check out the website at

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Chili to change your life!

Well, ok, it may not change your life, but it is very good! I'd like to say this is my original idea, but its not. This comes from my father-in-law, and he makes it every year on Christmas day. Keep in mind, this is no low-fat type chili, but then again, no good food is low fat. Here is what you need:

4 15oz cans of any brand pork and beans

4-6 tablespoons of diced onions (depending on how much you like them)

1 1/2lbs lean ground hamburger

6-8 pieces of fried bacon (chopped)

1 large can tomato juice

4 tbsp chili powder (can use the real hot stuff, we use the regular kind)

2 tbsp of salt

Throw the pork and beans into a crock pot (I recommend removing them from the cans first) Saute the onions until golden brown, then add to crock pot (original recipie says this includes dumping the butter in from your saute, but health concious people may avoid this. Then again, health concious people will probably avoid this recipie all together) . Brown the beef in seperate pan, drain and add it, but do not overcook it as it will continue to cook in the crock pot.
One thing that makes this chili different is it uses tomato juice rather than tomato sauce. You can decide how much juice you want depending on your preference, but I add about 2/3rds of the can. Add the salt and let it cook on slow for 3 to 4 hours. You don't have to cook it that long, but I recommend it. It gives it the opportunity for all the flavors to mix well. Give it a taste test every 30 minutes or so and add salt or chili powder as desired.

Of course, as with most chili, this recipie is only perfected when topped with cheddar cheese and saltine crackers. It may sound odd compared to chili you are used to, but you will be pleasantly surprised!

If you try this out, leave me a comment and let me know what you think! Or, feel free to share YOUR chili recipie. Make sure to check out Dan & Sheryls blog as well for thier favorite chili recipies (just try mine first).

Monday, February 11, 2008

Who should I interview?

Hello faithful listeners!! I have some exciting news! As I mentioend on the air today, (and henceforth probably more times than you will care to hear because I'm really excited) I will be attending GMA week in Nashville this April.

What is GMA you ask? Good question, estute listener! Dan and I are members of GMA, the Gospel Music Association. Every year, they host a week-long event where nearly every Christian musician gets to meet up with Christian radio and TV stations. Here is where I need YOUR help. One of the big focuses while I'm down there will be interviewing your favorite artists! I have already started contacting some bands, but I want to hear from the listeners: who do you want me to interview? Who is your favorite artist on KAXL? Of course, I cannot interview EVERYONE, and it depends both on my schedule and the artists schedule while in Nashville, but I will do my best to get as many interviews as I can with the people you want to hear from!

The more requests I get for a specific artist, the higher they will go on my priority list. Feel free to tell your friends to vote for your favorite artist as well. How do you vote? Just leave a comment on this blog (click 'comments' below) and tell me! Easy as that! I look forward to your responses! The more comments, the better!

Monday, February 4, 2008

The wonderful world of blogs!

Hey everyone! Welcome to my very first KAXL blog! I am excited that we are starting these blogs. It gives you a chance to get to know us more, and also a chance to share your feedback!

Our goal is not to simply talk about the radio station, but to share whatever is on our minds. One day I may talk about some exciting things the station is up to, but the next I may simply talk about the events of my day, or review a movie, share something I've been reading about, or give a recipie for my famous smack-tatos, the possibilities are endless!

The idea behind this blog is that we wanted to create another place where we can interact with our listeners. You do not have to sign up or anything to leave comments, so please feel free to share your thoughts, or just say hi! (although, for any SPAMMERS out there, I do have to approve the comments before they appear on this blog).

I look forward to sharing more about myself with you, and hearing your feedback! I will keep this updated at least once a week, possibly more, so keep checking back! Who knows, down the road, there may just be some opportunitites to win free stuff just by leaving a comment!