Friday, April 4, 2008

Are Christians too boring?

If you are reading this, you most likely have heard my show. If you somehow found this blog simply through the blogger website, well, you SHOULD hear my show.

I thought I'd share a few thoughts about what the purpose of the afternoon drive shift that I host is.

All radio shows have a feel to them. Whether its talk radio, music radio, or even news. They all have a specific way things are done and presented. When it comes to the feedback I get for my show, it can be all over the map. Everything from 'I wish you would talk more' to 'I wish there wasn't so much talking' to 'I enjoy how light hearted the show is' and 'you should be more serious on the air.' These are all valid, and are all basically preferences. Let me tell you what the 'feel' of my show is intended to be.

I like to have fun. I believe that far too often, Christians can get overly serious, and lack a sense of fun, much less, a sense of humor. I'm sure you know people like this. KAXL is a ministry, and a Christian station, yes, but I do not believe that Christian media needs to be limited ONLY to alter calls and deep, theological meditation. Christians come in all different kinds of people, with all kinds of different needs as well as gifts. While I do occasionally share something God has been teaching me, I tend to focus more on finding the humor in life. I have nothing against sharing the Gospel on the air, and have done it a number of times, but it is not ALL that I do. Sometimes Christians need a place they can turn for some lighthearted fun. That is my spot on the air, thats the need that I attempt to fill, and thats using the gifts I've been given. Just like Ken Davis says every single day at about 3:20, 'Lighten Up, and Live.' This would probably make for a good slogan for my show, if it were not already taken. :)

On a more practical note, the biggest listening time is during the drive home. The majority of people, after a long day, are looking for something fun and/or encouraging after working hard. There is absolutely a place for in depth Bible study. I love to study the Bible and try to make it a daily practice. My show is not to take the place of Bible study, certainly not! My purpose is to serve believers with clean, positive family fun to help lighten the burdens of the day.

There are some people, believe it or not, that believe using funny stories and jokes belong in the world, not in the body of Christ, and have told me as much. They believe I should only focus on ministry. I believe that ministry comes in all forms. Ministry is not simply alter calls. Remember, whatever we do, we are to do it to the glory of God. I think that too often, those who do not know Christ look at Christians and see nothing more than 'boring people stuck on a bunch of rules.' Unfortunatly, we look like that sometimes. We need the world to see our JOY! We can have fun and be followers of Christ at the same time!

And that's my passion. My show may not cater to everyone, but now you know its purpose. Just like not everyone may like the Sci-Fi channel, it caters to specific people. If you are someone who thinks it's ok for Christians to have fun, and enjoy laughing, thats what I'm here for every afternoon from 2 - 6 on 88.3.

I'd love to hear what you think. Do you also find that Christians can sometimes come across as dull to unbelievers? Do you think it ok for us to have entertainment that is not constant preaching? Give me your thoughts!


Unknown said...

I, for one, adore you sense of crestivity and humor, as well as your perspective in the world. It has been found that Christians who laugh more enjoy longer, stronger relationships & the rate of relationships goes side by side with your growth as a Christian. I don't know what you think about that, but I'm in favor of fun!

Unknown said...

Are you kidding? ;o)
This world, (well Bakersfield) needs a guy like you, and more Christians need to lighten-up as well. (including me)
I love to laugh and need more, but unfortunately lifes problems or those around you aren't always funny, so not much to laugh at anymore. But I think you are right-on in your mission as lighten-up broadcaster for our town. You are enjoyable and refreshing! Don't let Naysayers bother you. Your personality is Perfect! Your restaurant story today made me giggle, and the dollar-theatre story was good too.
I also agree with pelly's comment.
