Thursday, June 12, 2008

Shameless Self Promotion

Hey everyone!

I hope you don't mind, but I'm going to use this opportunity for some shameless self promotion. I happen to think that my daughter is the cutest little girl in the world. So much so, that my wife has entered her into a 'cute kid' competition, that if she wins, she will get to be on the cover of a major parenting magazine. Cool, huh?

So, if you would be so kind, head over to this website:

There are several pictures of our Zoe. (you may recall her songs that we have played on my show!) You can click on each picture. Above the photo are 2 things. One says 'recommendations,' which you simply click to add your recommendation. The other is above the picture and has 5 stars, you can click those to put how many stars you think it earns. Remember, you can click on each picture, and recommend each one.

I think when you look, you will agree that she is in fact, the cutest little girl in the world. :)

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Level 6 to launch!

Thank you so much for everyones feedback on my last post! It seems we have overwhelming support to do a rock show on Life FM, so I have the approval to move forward with it. I am extremely excited about the show, and have some big plans for it. Before I officially launch it, though, I will need some help.

I believe that as Christians, when we put something out there in the world, it should be excellent. We are representing the King of Kings, and want to give our best, not a half-hearted effort thats thrown together. I intend on making this a cutting edge, fast paced show that will make people sit up and notice, especially young people that otherwise would not listen to positive music by Christian artists. In order to do this, I am inviting anyone that may be interested in supporting this endevor to send me an email.

We will not be doing a sharathon or friendraiser or anything, and this show is outside of our budget. I would like to possibly raise some funds to make sure I can keep this to an excellent standard. And no, the money is not going to me, it would all go to promoting the show. This would give KAXL reason to be a presence at local Christian rock shows. We would like to get youth pastors involved as well. If you feel this is a ministry you are interested in helping with, whether its financially, in prayer, or with some other resource that may be relevant, let me know. You can email me at

I am not looking to raise a massive budget, just enough to be able to effectively spread the word. I would like to see the show start this summer, and that is very possible. We are already lining up the music and some other things. I already have a mission statement, and the name of the show is Level 6 Radio. Thank you for all of your support! As I always say on the air, we truely do have the BEST listeners!