Wednesday, May 21, 2008

For Those Who Love To Rock

Hey everyone!

As many of you know, Skillet is coming to town on the 30th of this month. That in mind, I have been thinking about something for a while, and I need your feedback.

We are considering the launch of a weekly rock show here at KAXL.

Here is the idea: I would launch a rock show that would probably only be about 2 hours long, once a week. So, for example, it may be every Saturday from 7-9. Now, we are not changing formats, don't worry. What we want to do is reach out to those, more specifically youth, who wouldn't otherwise listen to our station. There is a TON of solid, Christian artists in the rock industry that I would love to expose younger listeners to. Especially those youth who think that the only good rock music is not Christian. I'm out to prove that wrong!

What I want from you is some feedback. How would you feel about having a rock show here on Life FM? Do you support it? Remember, think in terms of outreach. Even if you are not a fan of rock (possibly some rap), how do you feel about us having a show like that as an additional outreach?

Nothing is for sure yet, we just want to get your feedback, and I will keep you updated. I am very familiar with the Christian rock scene, and only artists who I trust are truely serving the Lord would be played. Please leave me a comment with your thoughts!!


Anonymous said...

hey bro! heard you talk about this on the radio... i have been praying(10 years?) for the day that i would hear those words. it bothers me when i hear non-belivers say that "i wouldent be a christian cuz there music suck's" or something along the lines of christian music sucking. which, as you and i know, is'int true! i have been bleesed to grow up with the underground chistian scene and theres TONS of bands out there that are as spiritual and some even more "hardcore" in there faith then those that are in the mainstream. would you be playing ALL that christian rock as to offer? from the punk rock of headnoise/flatfoot 56? hardcore like N.I.V.? metal like stryper/living sacrafice? screamo like underoath? i say do it! i say take back what is the lords! why should radio stations like KRAB radio play the heavy stuff? there are christian bands that are WAY heavyer then those bands. it would be cool if you help promote the christian rock shows that come through town ( the scream your prayer tour for example ). this is why i love this radio station. you guys play all the new stuff thats out there and the old stuff. plus you guys have the gospel connection! anyways, i say do it. ill help out if i have to. its only 2hours! rock is juat as sweet of a fragrence to the lord.

Stephen said...

I think that it would be great to have a two hour show of some rock/rap artists that are totally converted and sold out for the Lord as an outreach to especially the youth that probably wouldn't otherwise be drawn to listening to Classical Christian Music.

Matt Pelishek said...

Hey, thanks for your comments guys! To answer eman, we would have a fairly good mix of rock and hip hop, but would not be doing any hardcore stuff. We would have some harder music like Skillet, but not like Underoath. Possibly a little punk, but likely it would be more pop-punk like Reliant K. Thanks again for your feedback!

Anonymous said...

If there is anyway to reach our teenagers, I'm all for it!! Rock/Rap music is definately one way. I'm glad you said you would make sure the singers are all "walking the walk" with Jesus because that is a critical component. So, for this 60-year old woman, I give you "two thumbs" up!!! Make it happen KAXL!!! Thanks and God Bless you all!!!

Anonymous said...

I would thoroughly enjoy a ROCK hour on KAXL. It would be great to listen to some ROCK and not have to worry about the lyrics

Anonymous said...

Reaching our youth through music that speaks to there personality but is at the same time passing to them the teahcings of Christ is so important in this day. If we can not reach the youth who will lead our churches when we are too old. I know God will bless this endeavor.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be great to be able to touch other people. I might not know a lot of the Christian Rock songs now,but after a while of listening to them, I will.

Anonymous said...

I think it would be a great idea. It would definately reach people tha you may not otherwise reach. Go for it...